We pride ourselves on the smart appearance of the children in traditional Prep school uniform. Children start to wear full uniform from Pre-Reception.
As we like to spend much of our time in the outdoors we change our shoes for break-time and put on warm fleeces, hats and gloves for a run around when it’s cold. The younger children have waterproof overalls for outdoor play and Forest School and we ask that they keep a pair of wellies in school to keep them warm and dry.
Games kit is worn for PE, swimming, games lessons and sports fixtures.
All school uniform can be ordered via the school office so please call us on 01423 771029 to book an appointment.
Click here to view the full Uniform list.
Uniform Name Tags
The PTA have set up a fundraiser for the PTA – the PTA will receive 24% of all orders. To purchase the tags, you will need the link and school code below:
The web link is… https://www.mynametags.com/affiliate?id=1182
And the school code is 1182.
Thank you in advance for purchasing your name tags via this method and for raising money for the the PTA. Your support is greatly appreciated.