Belmont Grosvenor is set in 20-acres of beautiful grounds, with its own small woodland area that changes with the seasons. Children enjoying our Forest School sessions are able to experience the different weather, textures and colours of the year – whether it’s the first snowdrops of spring, the cherry blossom in early summer or stunning autumn foliage.
Forest School enables children from every year group, from nursery to Year 6, to spend time outdoors where they can build dens, weave willow, make and hang dream catchers as well as collect leaves and sticks to make woodland art. They have time to be quiet and reflect on the nature around them and appreciate their environment.
It is here our children learn to be independent and start to evaluate risks for themselves, a skill children often have little experience of today.
Choosing to work alone or with others, there is always time to celebrate achievements in a campfire session. The woodland, and extensive school grounds, provide the materials for their projects, which are often created for the moment so the building aspect is more important than the end product, allowing children to be creative and imaginative.
Children start to move away from their traditional classroom-based friendship groups and appreciate others’ strengths and support those who may not find practical skills easy.

Eco Schools
We are a member of the National Eco Schools programme and are one of a select number of schools to be awarded the prestigious Green Flag for our environmental work.
Through our popular Eco Club, children have opportunities to explore our own rich environment, maintain and improve it, and consider our responsibilities and actions with regards to world environmental issues. Children take responsibility for reducing litter, energy and water use and pollution, encouraging more sustainable modes of transport. At BGS we aim to look after and care for the environment we are all part of.

Eco Council
The Eco Council at BGS is mainly driven by the pupils with some support from the Eco co-ordinator and adult committee members.
The Eco Council produces an Eco code which is agreed with the rest of the school that reflects their aims and ethos. The Eco Council consists of two pupils elected from each class in Pre-Prep and Prep.
Their key aims are as follows:
To ensure a whole school approach to caring for the environment;
To give pupils responsibilities, promote teamwork and develop decision making skills;
To develop an awareness of and promote local and global environmental issues;
To develop a whole school approach in promoting environmental awareness that includes pupils, staff, governors, parents and members of the local community;
To help create a shared understanding of what is needed to run a school in ways that respect and enhance the environment;
To link environmental issues with the curriculum as well as the daily running of the school.