Our warm and traditional art and DT room is in the Stables block and is a tranquil location for pupils to develop their creative talents. All children from Years 3 to 6 have a dedicated art/DT lesson every week.
The curriculum covers a variety of styles, including drawing, painting, printing, textiles and sculptures. Pupils learn about various artists, both locally and internationally. ”

Music plays a large part in the life of our school. All children from nursery onwards are introduced to the wonders of music and learn how to listen, appraise, read, improvise, compose, sing, play and perform many different genres of music.
As well as their weekly music lessons, we have specialist teachers offering individual tuition on a wide variety of musical instruments and children can be entered for ABRSM exams held at the school.
There are many opportunities to perform to a wide variety of audiences throughout the year including whole school performances, Christmas productions, sharing assemblies, charity events and festivals. Our ultimate aim is to foster a love of music that will stay with the children for life.

From a very early age, every child is given the opportunity to shine by taking part in school productions and nativities.
Drama at BGS is designed to promote self-confidence in everyone and, through weekly lessons, assemblies and plays, all our children, from the shyest to the most outgoing, learn to speak and perform with enthusiasm and competence. These skills are developed further through Curtain Call, Extra Drama, and LAMDA.
Our youngest pupils take part in a nativity play at Christmas and become used to performance primarily through music.
By Year 1 and 2 many pupils are keen to take on small speaking parts. Through poems and readings in seasonal assemblies children develop confidence, and in the main school this culminates in a full-scale musical production at the end of the summer term.

Extra-curricular performing arts activities
The extra-curricular performing arts activities we offer at various times throughout the year include:
Senior choir – children in Years 3 to 6 regularly sing at community events, school shows and in the Harrogate Music Festival;
Junior choir – children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoy learning songs in unison and perform at school shows and assemblies;
Musical mania – children in Years 3 to 6 get the opportunity to learn and perform songs from an array of musicals and add some choreography alongside;
Instrumental groups – recorder and ukulele groups enjoy rehearsing and performing together, gaining ensemble and listening skills;
Rock group – brings together different instrumentalists and singers to form a band and have lots of fun!
Extra drama – small group work to prepare for festivals and LAMDA exams;
Curtain Call – fun and inspiring session for children to enhance their confidence on stage.