What is Pre-Prep?
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 make up the Pre-Prep department at Belmont Grosvenor School.
As part of a larger school, our children are fortunate to benefit from excellent facilities, equipment and specialist staff, whilst enjoying close relationships with experienced class teachers and teaching assistants.
Children in Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and enjoy a well-planned and resourced curriculum. This is enhanced by specialist teachers in music, drama, French, Forest School, PE and swimming.
Years 1 and 2 are based in well-equipped classrooms in Nidd block, which has its own computer suite. Reception is close by in the Stables block.
Great care is taken to treat each child as an individual. Pupils are given every opportunity to develop interests through extra-curricular activities and staff members are skilled at recognising and maximising every child’s unique talents.
Constant communication between staff ensures that pupils have a seamless transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage in Reception to Key Stage 1 in Year 1 and Year 2. This close liaison between staff continues through to the Prep department (Key Stage 2).

Our school day
In Pre-Prep, parents drop children off at their classrooms from 8.30am in time for the start of the school day. Children can, however, be dropped off at Before School Care (BSC) from 8am where there are toys and activities for them to enjoy before lessons begin.
Children experience a full range of activities throughout their school day including specialist teaching in subjects including music and drama as well as making excellent use of our facilities for swimming and Forest School.
The school day ends at 3:30pm for Pre-Prep when there is the option for children to attend a club or After School Care (ASC) which runs through until 5pm and Extended Hours Care which runs through until 6pm. There is a charge for after school supervision.
Key Stage 1 curriculum

During this important early stage, the form teacher and classroom assistant work closely with our Pre-Prep children to develop a firm grounding and confidence in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy.
There are also plenty of opportunities for play as the children start to develop socially and academically to become both secure and confident learners.
In Key Stage 1, creativity is nurtured in specialist taught art, design technology, music, and drama lessons while thinking skills and communication are developed through philosophy for children classes.

As they move through the school, the children are encouraged to build their knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live through science, geography, history, religious studies, and personal social health economic education (PSHE).
Our children’s physical development advances as they enjoy PE, games and swimming, all taught by specialist teachers.
A significant feature of Belmont Grosvenor is the teaching of modern foreign languages from Reception to Year 6. Forest School and Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) offers an extra dimension to the curriculum.
Key Stage 1 exam results
Subject Area | Below | Expected | Above |
English | 0% | 53% | 47% |
Reading | 11% | 57% | 32% |
Writing | 11% | 84% | 5% |
Spellings | 11% | 68% | 21% |
Mathematics | 5% | 42% | 53% |