What is Prep?
Whilst still benefiting from the secure setting of their classroom, our Prep children (Year 3 to Year 6) enjoy access to our more specialised teaching areas.
These include a state-of-the-art science lab, fully-equipped IT suite, art and design technology suite, dedicated modern foreign languages room and a music department.
Children at this level begin the thorough preparation for secondary school and, as they progress, lessons are increasingly taught by subject specialists.
Help and guidance is given regarding future schools and the children are prepared for a wide variety of entrance examinations and assessments.
To help in this process, pupils attend weekly exam booster classes, have formal interview practice, and take “mock” assessments and exams.
As we start to see children developing, we are aware of each child’s attributes and aspirations. We are therefore able to specifically structure each child’s learning based on their individual potential.
Additionally, children are encouraged to take on responsibility, particularly when they become members of the school leadership team. They are trained to use their initiative and are supported in their roles ensuring that this important aspect of growing-up is given the opportunity to develop.

Our school day
Whether it’s being involved in a class assembly, performing in a production, learning outdoors or representing the school in a sports fixture, every day at Belmont Grosvenor is packed with opportunities to go beyond the classroom and explore new areas of discovery.
Prep children can either start their day at one of our many clubs and activities or be dropped off from 8am at Before School Care (BSC) for the start of their school day at 8.30am.
Registration from 8:30am is when pupils are welcomed by staff and encouraged to share news and exchange information before beginning their first lesson. The children then have a day full of exciting lessons which may include science, art, music, Forest School or French.
School ends at 4pm for children in Prep, but there is a vast array of after-school clubs and activities, ranging from Curtain Call, to netball training and Eco Club in which the children can participate. There is After School Care (ASC) available for all children until 5pm and Extended Care until 6pm. There is a charge for after school supervision.
Key Stage 2 curriculum

As our children advance through the school, there is increasing input from specialist teachers covering French, ICT, music, drama, games, and PE, including swimming, as well as personal social health economic education (PSHE), religious studies, art, and design technology.
A strong emphasis on the core subjects continues through Years 5 and 6 and it is expected that everyone will achieve a high standard of work, both in content and presentation.
Increasingly pupils are encouraged to apply their new knowledge and skills in practical and scientific investigation, and to advance their appreciation and understanding in the media of drama and music.

Sport is a major feature of the Prep timetable, with our teams playing regular fixtures against other schools to great success in local, regional and national competitions.
As in Key Stage 1, philosophy for children and Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) further enhances the curriculum at Belmont Grosvenor. Enrichment activities offer that extra dimension to Key Stage 2.
Our children are well-prepared for entrance to independent and local maintained schools at 11 when appropriate, and excellent results are achieved.
Key Stage 2 exam results
Subject Area | Below | Expected | Above |
English | 14% | 29% | 57% |
Reading | 0% | 43% | 57% |
Writing | 0% | 71% | 29% |
Mathematics | 0% | 43% | 57% |

Destination of leavers
Belmont Grosvenor School children enjoy outstanding success in winning places at their chosen school, often securing scholarships and awards, and move onto a wide variety of secondary and boarding schools.
In Years 4, 5 and 6, we hold an information morning ‘Making Choices – Beyond Y6’ for parents with a keynote speaker to explain the options available and the transfer process for the children.

Scholarship history
As a school, Belmont Grosvenor has a proud history of success in achieving scholarships to a wide range of independent schools.
Often scholarships and exhibitions are awarded to our children for academic, sporting, music, drama, and all-round achievement.
In recent years, our children have won scholarships to Giggleswick, Harrogate Ladies College, Ashville College, Queen Margaret’s School, Queen Mary’s, Sedbergh, and Cundall Manor School.