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Posts by category
- Category: Uncategorised
- Exam success for drama pupils at Belmont Grosvenor School
- Reception Taster Morning at BGS
- Intrepid BGS teachers head to the Arctic Circle to compete in Polar Night Half Marathon
- Open Day in January 2025
- Last Golden Table of 2024 at BGS
- A musical success at BGS
- A Christmas Concert
- Christmas fun at the BGS Christmas Fair
- Reception Taster Morning at BGS
- Pupils dress in spots and stripes to raise money for Children in Need
- Annual Bonfire Night at BGS a resounding success
- Pupils remember the fallen at annual Remembrance Day services across district
- Harvest donations help feed 14 people across Harrogate district
- A magical visit from the Yorkshire Owl Experience
- Bonfire Night at Belmont Grosvenor School
- Britain’s fifth oldest man shares memories of wartime evacuations with pupils at BGS
- New team at the top at Belmont Grosvenor School
- Para swimmer and world record holder inspires pupils at annual Speech Day and Prizegiving service
- Prep pupils shine during their annual musical production of Peter Pan
- Olympic triathlete inspires pupils at BGS Sports Day
- BGS Swimming Pool fundraising campaign gets off to a great start
- BGS Triathlon launches £50,000 fundraising campaign to improve swimming pool
- Pupils meet MP Julian Smith during Houses of Parliament visit
- Vocabulary takes centre stage at BGS World Book Day celebrations
- Pupils hand-over more than £3,000 to Harrogate charity Horticap
- Come and visit our Open Day
- Prep ski trip to Andorra
- Father Christmas visits Belmont Grosvenor School and Magic Tree Nursery
- Pupils make festive wreaths with help of Harrogate charity Horticap
- Pupils stage fabulous festive nativity show
- ‘Ready for Reception 2024’ at BGS
- BGS pays respects to the fallen at annual Remembrance Day services
- Come and join our free First Steps parent and child group
- Harvest Festival supports Harrogate District Foodbank
- Pupils tackle Yorkshire’s Three Peaks
- Bonfire Party at BGS open to all
- Autumn fun promised at new First Steps parent and baby group meeting
- Musical Theatre inspiration for pupils from BGS alumni Dennis Maher
- BGS Open Day a resounding success
- New Early Years team take up positions at Belmont Grosvenor School
- BGS Summer Ball set to raise thousands of pounds for charity
- Belmont Grosvenor annual Speech Day and Prizegiving
- Top marks for Belmont Grosvenor following latest ISI inspection
- BGS community answers plea for help from Harrogate Foodbank
- TV presenter Helen Skelton guest of honour at Speech Day
- New Headmaster takes the helm at Belmont Grosvenor School
- Father Christmas drops in to say hello